about me | Annesleybug
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about bug

hi, i'm annesley

some people call me bug. i’m currently living in pittsburgh, pa.

i’m an artist and educator who loves making small and soft things.

i’m passionate about making art accessible for all.

you can buy my miniatures and stickers on my etsy page.

most of my art is available to purchase, please email me about specific pieces at annesleyart@gmail.com or use the contact page on my website.

i’m always excited to collaborate on projects! message me on instagram or email about a potential collaboration

i like nature, miniatures, animals, hiking, warm weather, ice cream, climbing trees, friends, calico critters, flowers, mangoes, mountains, stars, frogs, rainbows, and strawberries. 

thanks for checking out my website! feel free to reach out to me on social media!

black lives matter! trans lives matter! access is love!

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